


Course Deion:

This course examinesthe major events and thoughts in the history of Chinese Buddhi *** with a particular emphasis on the establishment of Chinese Buddhist Schools. A major aim is to show how Buddhi *** has been gradually and successfully incorporated into and became one of the three pillars of Chinese thought and culture. The important Chinese Buddhist events and masters will also be examined against their historical background to show their contribution to the development of Chinese Buddhi *** .


Students are expected to get familiar with the basic historical events, major schools of thoughts and important personages together with their contribution to development of Chinese Buddhi *** .

Course Outline (tentative):

Lecture1: Jan.16

Topic: A Survey of Chinese Buddhi ***

Reading: Zurcher, Buddhist Conquest of China: pp.1-17.

Wright, Arthur F.1957. “Buddhi *** and Chinese Culture: Phases of Interaction” The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 17, No.1, 17-42.

中村元著《中國佛教發展史》(上), 之一章: 佛教東傳中國與其傳衍經過。

Lecture 2: Jan.23

Topic:Introduction of Buddhi *** into China (include Dharmaraksa)

Reading:Ch’en, pp.21-53;Zurcher, pp.18-80.

潘桂明, 董群, 麻天祥,《歷史巻》, 之一章: 兩漢三國佛教,第二章: 西晉佛教。中村元著,《中國佛教發展史》(上), 第二章: 佛教在漢魏西晉三朝的發展。

賴永海《中國佛教通史》01 東漢三國兩晉。

Lecture 3: Feb. 6

Topic: Buddhi *** under Eastern Jin (Great Masters: Fo Tucheng, Daoan, Kumajiva and Huiyuan)Reading: Ch’en, pp.57-120; 94-103; Zurcher, pp.81-320.

潘桂明, 董群, 麻天祥,《歷史巻》,第三章: 東晉十六國佛教。

中村元著,《中國佛教發展史》(上), 第三章: 佛教在華北胡族國家建立的經過, 第四章: 佛教於江南漢族國家的發展。

Lecture 4: Feb. 13

Topic: Buddhis munder Southern and Northern dynasty (I) Historical

Reading: Ch’en, pp.121-183; Zurcher,pp.204-239.

潘桂明, 董群, 麻天祥,《歷史巻》第四章: 南北朝佛教。賴永海《中國佛教通史》第 02 冊南北朝

中村元著《中國佛教發展史》(上), 第五章: 華北異民族統治下的佛教。

Lecture 5: Feb. 20.

Topic: Buddhis munder Southern and Northern dynasties (II) Thought

Reading: Ch’en, pp.184-212; Zurcher,pp.81-159.

潘桂明,《宗派卷》: 第二章: 南北朝的師說學派.賴永海《中國佛教通史》第 03 冊南北朝學派

Lecture 6: Feb. 27.

Topic: Buddhi *** under Sui and Tang: Historical Reading: Ch’en, pp.213-296.

潘桂明, 董群, 麻天祥,《歷史巻》第五章: 隋唐佛教。賴永海《中國佛教通史》第 05 冊隋唐史

中村元著《中國佛教發展史》(上), 第六章: 隋唐的統一, 第七章: 中國佛教的形成, 第八章: 隋唐的中國佛教

Lecture 7: Mar. 13.

Topic: Buddhi *** under Sui and Tang: Schools (I) Tiantai,Sanlun and Sanjie Reading: Ch’en, pp.297-325.

Takakusu, The Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy,Chapters IX: The Tendai (Tiantai) School, VII: The Sanron (Sanlun) School,

潘桂明,《宗派卷》: 第三章:止觀並重的天臺宗, 第四章: 重思辡的三論宗, 第四章: 普信普敬的三階教賴永海《中國佛教通史》06 天台三論唯識

Lecture 8: Mar. 20.

Topic: Buddhi *** under Sui and Tang: Schools (II) Yogacara,Huayan, Vinaya and Tantrayana Reading: Ch’en, pp.325- 364.

Takakusu, The Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy,Chapters VI: The Hosso (Fa-xiang) School, VIII: The Kegon (Huayan) School, X:The Shingon (Zhenyen) School.

潘桂明,《宗派卷》: 第六章: 嚴肅戒律的律宗, 第七章:萬法唯識的法相唯識宗, 第八章:圓融無礙的華嚴宗, 第九章: 融會雜糅的密宗賴永海《中國佛教通史》07 華嚴、禪、淨土、律、密宗

Lecture 9: Mar. 27.

Topic:Buddhi *** under Sui and Tang: Schools (III) Chan and Pure Land

Reading: Takakusu, The Essentials of BuddhistPhilosophy, Chapters XI: The Zen (Chan) School, XII: The Jodo (Jingtu) School.

潘桂明,《宗派卷》: 第十章: 自信自力的禪宗, 第十一章: 他力往生的淨土宗.賴永海《中國佛教通史》07 華嚴、禪、淨土、律、密宗。

Lecture10: Apr.3.

Topic: Buddhi *** under Song: The syncreti *** of ChineseBuddhi *** Reading: Ch’en, pp.389-408.

潘桂明,董群,麻天祥《歷史巻》第六章:五代佛教,第七章:宋代佛教,賴永海《中國佛教通史》09 宋代佛教禪淨律

中村元著《中國佛教發展史》(中) ,之一章:唐宋交替之際的佛教,第二章: 佛教的復興,之一章:禪宗的隆盛與護法活動。

Lecture11: Apr.10.

Topic:Buddhi *** after Song: The syncreti *** of Chinese Buddhi *** Reading: Ch’en,pp.409-433.

潘桂明, 董群, 麻天祥,《歷史巻》, 第八章: 遼金元佛教, 第九章: 明清佛教, 中村元著,《中國佛教發展史》(中), 第六章: 庶民的佛教

Lecture12: Apr.24.

Topic:Buddhi *** in Modern China

Reading:Ch’en, pp.455-470.

潘桂明, 董群, 麻天祥,《歷史巻》, 第十一章,楊仁山與近恣佛教,第十二章寺僧的入世轉向與居士佛教的勃興。

賴永海《中國佛教通史》第 14 冊,清代居士佛教與民國佛教,第 15 冊,民國佛教。

Pittman, Don A. Towards a Modern Chinese Buddhi *** : Taixu’s Reforms. Hanululu: The University of Hawaii Press. 2001.

Suggested topics for essay

1.Discuss the characteristics of Chinese Buddhi *** during thefirst phase (from the Eastern Han to the end of the Western Jin)

2.Discussthe conflict caused by “The ure of Laozi’s Conversion of the Barbarians”(老子化胡).

3.Assess Daoan’s contribution to Chinese Buddhi *** .

4.Discuss Huiyuan’s contribution to Chinese Buddhi *** .

5.Discuss the social conflict of “Monks should not pay respect to kings.”

6. Examine the causes for the rapid development of Buddhi *** in Southern and Northern dynasties.

7. Discuss Jizang’s contribution to Sanlun School.

8. Discuss Zhiyi’s role and contribution to Tiantai School.

9.Discuss Huineng’s contribution to Chan Buddhi *** and examinewhy his southern branch became so influential?

10. Discuss Fazang and Huayan thought.

11. Examine Xuanzang’s contribution to Chinese Buddhi *** .

12. Discuss Tanluan’s contribution to Pure Land School.

13. Zhanran contributed to the revivalof Tiantai School in Tang dynasty, Discuss.

14.Discuss why authentic Buddhists considered Sanjie or Three Stages School a heretic.

15.Discuss Kuiji’s contribution to Faxian or Yogacara School in China.

16.Discuss briefly the three tantric masters’ contribution to Tantrayana School in China.

17.Discuss the syncreti *** of Buddhi *** during Song dynasty.

18.Buddhi *** declined after Tangdynasty. Discuss the causes.

19.Examine the causes of the conflict between Buddhi *** and Daoi *** in the history of Chinese Buddhi *** .

20.Discuss the conflict betweenBuddhi *** and Confuciani *** with a focus on filial piety.

21.Examine the causes of the fourpersecutions of Buddhi *** in Chinese history.

22.Examine the causes of one of thefour persecutions of Buddhi *** in Chinese history.

23.Examine the roles played by thetranslators in Chinese Buddhi *** .

24.Examine the Buddhist solution to the Confucian critici *** of Buddhist monks being unfilial.

25. Discuss Master Taixu’s contributionto modern Chinese Buddhi *** .

26. Is “Humanistic Buddhi *** ” (人間佛教) a new creation of Master Taixu?Discuss.

27. Examine the revival of Chinese Buddhi *** at modern age.

Reading List

Ch’en, K. S. Kenneth, Buddhi *** in China, A Historical Survey. Princeton: PrincetonUniversity Press, 1972. (Original 1964) This book details the historical development of Buddhi *** in China from its introduction in the Han dynasty through the period of the most creative maturity in the Tang dynasty and its decline and survival to the present.

Tsukamoto Zenryu, 1985. A history of early Chinese Buddhi *** : from its introduction to the deathof Hui-yuan. Translated fromthe Japanese by Leon Hurvitz. Volumes 1&2. Tokyo: Kodansha. 294.30951T8

Zurher,Erik, The Buddhist Conquest of China:The Spread and Adaptation of Buddhi *** in Early Medieval China. Leiden: E.J. Brill. 2007 (Original 1959) This is an excellent book in which the author mainly examines Buddhi *** inChina before Huiyuan in the fifth century. (University Library (UL) 294.392 Z96) (Chinese translation: 佛教征服國,李四龍等譯,江蘇人民出版社 2003) 294.392 Z96 v.1.

潘桂明,董群,麻天祥,《歷史巻》,潘桂明,《宗派卷》,賴永海主編,《中國佛教百科全書》第三歷史卷, 上海古籍出版社, 2000. [中] BQ626 .Z47 2000

賴永海主編《中國佛教通史》全十五冊,南京市,江蘇人民出版社,2010 年。[中] BQ626 .Z467 2010

杜繼文主編《佛教史》的中國佛教史部分,北京,中國社會科學院,1993. [中] BQ266 .F6 2006 Read the following chapters:


第四章,佛教的黃金時代(下)(西元 4-6 世紀)(全部)

第五章,第二節 隋唐五代佛教的昌盛與創造


第九章,佛教的消長變化和多元化發展(上)(西元 11 世紀)(全部)

Recommended Reading

Ch’en, K. S. Kenneth, 1973. The Chinese Transformation of Buddhi *** .Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press. 294.392C51c

Benn. James A. 2015. Tea in China: a religious and culturalhistory. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. 394.150951B46

Wright, Arthur F. 1959. Buddhi *** in Chinese history. Stanford,Calif.: Stanford University Press. 294.320951This is a very short butconcise history of Buddhi *** in China.

Wright, Arthur F. 1957. “Buddhi *** and Chinese Culture: Phases of Interaction” TheJournal of Asian Studies, Vol.17, No.1, 17-42.

Theodore De Bary and Irene Bloomwith the collaboration of Wing-tsit Chan, (eds). 1999. Sources of Chinese tradition.Vol. 1&2. New York: Columbia University Press. 951 D286 s

Journal of Chinese Philosophy, EditorChung-Ying CHENG, published by the University of Hawaii, is a good Source for English articlesrelated to Chinese Buddhi *** . HKU has both electronic and printed versions ofthe journal. Please make use of it.

湯用彤,1997.《漢魏兩晉南北朝佛教史》北京,北京大學出版社。武漢大學出版社 2008。There are six copies of thistext available. [中] BQ636 .T36 2006 EBook also available


呂 澂,1993.《中國佛教思想概論》台灣,天華出版公司印行。(The original title is《中國佛教思想源流》)



任繼愈主編,1998.《中國佛教史》I, II, III, 北京,中國社會科學出版社。(從漢代到南北朝)

賴永海主編,2010.《中國佛教通史》共十五卷,南京,江蘇人民出版社。FPS Library BQ626

