


1、您好,元旦的英文就是“新年”的意思,用英语这样说newyear;元旦 New Year#39s Day 举例我们定下决心, 要在元旦前完成这项工作We are determined to get the work done before New Year#39s Day 希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油;New Year#39s Day 元旦例句On New Year#39s Day in 1974, I started keeping a journal1974年元旦我开始记日记。

2、元旦节yuán dàn jiéNew Year#39s Day 双语例句 1 这就是我元旦节的一天,不愉快的一天This is my New Year#39s Day, don#39t have a good time2 这个元旦节,我过得真快乐This New Year#39s day, I had。

3、元旦节 “元旦”叫New Year’s Day注意大写顺便说一下,今天是“元旦”,那么昨天就是“元旦前夜”,它的英文说法是New Year#39s Eve Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner#39s Dictionary 5th Edition是这样说的New Year;1元旦节 名 New Year#39s Day例句这就是我元旦节的一天,不愉快的一天This is my New Year#39s Day, don#39t have a good time2跨年 动 straddle old and new years go beyond the year;元旦用英语说是ldquoNew Year#39s Dayrdquo元旦祝福语有1good luck, good health, hood cheer i wish you a happy new year祝好运健康佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新年2with best wishes for a happy。

4、新年Spring Festival 元旦New Year’s Day。

5、New Year#39s Day 不需要加“the”。

标签:#New Year#英语#英文#好运#工作We are determined to get the work done before New Year#This New Year